June 23 - 25, 2017

Multiplier events


Start-End: June 23 - 25, 2017
Venue: Berovo
Address: Berovo, Macedonia

February 16 - 18, 2017

Fourth coordinating meeting


Start-End: February 16 - 18, 2017
Venue: Second English school "Thomas Jefferson"
Address: Sofia, Bulgaria

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November 18 - 19, 2016

Third coordinating meeting


Start-End: November 18 - 19, 2016
Venue: Gymnasium Curt Nicolin
Address: Finspång, Sweden

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October 17 - 22, 2016

Fourth workshop

The forth workshop was held at the premises of 2ELS in Sofia, Bugaria from 17 – 22 October 2016 and representatives from all six partner institutions were present. The aim of this workshop was to design digital educational contents and teachers (representatives from the project partner institutions) to gain skills to use specific, selected tools for development of digital educational content and increase their competences for using this content in form of OERs.

All sessions consisted of presentation, practice and creation of individual content by using a particular OER. The participants of the workshop gained skills to use
- Movie maker (video tools)
- Easy Test Maker
- Edublogs
- CamStudio

The participants were very active and eager to apply the new skills and at the end of each session they presented the created content. At this point the advantages, disadvantages, obstacles and applicability of each tool were thoroughly elaborated.

UGD opened and conducted a discussion on other open source possibilities which can be used in the teaching process.

Link: presentations

Start-End: October 17 - 22, 2016
Venue: Second English school "Thomas Jefferson"
Address: Sofia, Bulgaria

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September 05 - 10, 2016

Third workshop

The third workshop was organized by Goce Delcev University and was held in the premises of the E-learning center. Educators from all partner institutions took part in the workshop. The following topics were covered and each topic was divided in 3 working sessions:
- Usage of Modern ICT in classrooms
- Open Educational Resource and Learning Objects Repositories
- Methodological / didactical approach-challenges of using ICT into classrooms
- Recommendation Report – Presenting/reporting UGD
- Presentation of ICT capabilities of UGD

The activities in this workshop were realized according to the schedule and fully met the needs of the participants at this stage of the project.

Start-End: September 05 - 10, 2016
Venue: University „Goce Delcev“
Address: Stip, Macedonia

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March 14 - 21, 2016

Second workshop

The second workshop took place in Finspang, Sweden from 14-21 March 2016. There was a presentation of the analyses of the previous utilization of the ICT in the educational process (continuation of the previous training). The purpose of this training was to identify the technologies and the methodologies that should be the focus for the next trainings. Three subjects the partners have in common were identified, OERs will be developed for these subjects.

During this workshop three other events were organized by the host institution Gymnasium Curt Nicolin: Regional Competition in Innovation, where teams of students presented their innovative items and services by implementing creative usage of ICT; a visit to Siemens and Scania factories and training centers where they implement advanced methodologies of ICT both in the teaching and production processes.

Start-End: March 14 - 21, 2016
Venue: Gymnasium Curt Nicolin
Address: Finspång, Sweden

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February 04 - 06, 2016

Second coordinating meeting

The second TPM took place as scheduled in February at 2ELS in Sofia, Bulgaria. On this meeting, project partners worked on the justification of expenses and the necessity to be as precise as possible with supporting documentation was emphasized. The schedule for the next activities was accepted.

Start-End: February 04 - 06, 2016
Venue: Second English school "Thomas Jefferson"
Address: Sofia, Bulgaria

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November 30 - December 04, 2015

First workshop

The first workshop took place at TUS premises in Sofia, Bulgaria from 30th November till 4th December 2015. All of the partner’s participants presented their experiences in utilization of the ICT in the educational process. The purpose of this training was to prepare the grounds for acceptance of new technologies.

During the stay, the participants were invited to visit the 2ELS. There, they attended classes and were able to see how students reacted while being taught with utilization of ICT.

Link: presentations

Start-End: November 30 - December 04, 2015
Venue: Technical University, Sofia
Address: Sofia, Bulgaria

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September 17, 2015

Kick-off Meeting

The first meeting of the Project Partner Institutions was the Kick-off meeting in Stip where all scheduled activities were taken into consideration. The Project Management Team (PMT) was established, the project goals, activities and outputs were presented to the project partners. Project partners used the opportunity to get familiarized in details with project dynamics, fund transfers, reporting etc.

Start-End: September 17, 2015
Venue: University „Goce Delcev“
Address: Stip, Macedonia

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